Quality Guidelines: Only post unique original content written by you and always keep the reader in mind. Each blog post needs to be at least 300 words in length, but don't split up posts just to meet the minimum word count. Abuse of the rewards system by posting copied content from another website (even if it was previously written by you) or by making too many short posts may result in deleted posts, point deductions and could possibly lead to losing the ability to earn reward points.Sharing Requirements: Blog posts must receive a minimum of 5 social shares per post on average. For example if you've made 10 different blog posts you must have a total of 50 social shares between all 10 posts. In order for us to track the amount of shares you have received you must use the sharing buttons from the Po.st plugin. Click this link to learn how to activate and configure the Po.st plugin. You will get credit for both shares you make to your own social profiles and shares made by your blog visitors. We will be able to determine by the rate of shares to click throughs as to whether the shares are being made to legitimate and diverse accounts. Payouts will be placed on hold until the minimum sharing requirement is met, beginning from the time of your previous payout.
I have lots to tell you about so keep an eye out for future posts!
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